Apr. - May 2023
121 ideas from “Abstraction and Analogy-Making in Artificial Intelligence” (2021) by Melanie Mitchell
For this recitation, to memorize the chunk "continual interplay between bottom-up and top-down processes," I visualized ​Jerome Robinson pulling upwards​ on the top of a stop sign with his hands and kicking the bottom of the stop sign while wearing toe shoes.​ How did that particular analogy come to mind? For 6 weeks, I explored papers and benchmarks related to analogy-making in humans and machines. I finished this 6-week window with the desire of later getting involved in research in program synthesis.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
- "the process of abstraction is driven by analogy, in which one mentally maps the essence of one situation to a different situation."
- "without concepts there can be no thought and without analogies there can be no concepts" -Hofstadter & Sander
- "framing concept learning as the task of generating a program enables many of the advantages of programming in general, including flexible abstraction, reusability, modularity, and interpretability.​​